Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ok, so I have a question- If you were dropped off in an arctic environment with nothing but a fire and a finite amount of wood to burn , with the knowledge that there was absolutely no way to get out of this scenario alive, would you choose to A. Make the fire last as long as possible, keeping it very small and producing just barely enough heat for survival, stretching out the last bit of your life however uncomfortable it may be; OR B. Have a blazing fire which produced enough heat to make you very comfortable for a shorter amount of time. WHICH WOULD YOU CHOOSE AND WHY?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Come out you heavy demons

And play fair in the sunshine

Our heavy chests that bear the burdens

Our heavy hands that scrape them left to right

Shuffling the weight, one ventricle to the other

Until our heart beats sound like thunder

And the screeching does not cease

Or pause to wait for ears that might be changed by it.

Someday we all say, someday.

I never knew a better song than highway bellows

Airplane blues,

Train yard mumbles.

All these things of going, but of stopping too.

Moonlight litters the bark like Chantilly lace filtered

Through luscious, heavy-swinging springtime skirts

Swooshing lazily to and fro, scraping left to right

Until it is day again.

I am back and forth and long to be still

And wonder if it is the same for everything.