Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. -William Shakespeare

It's nice outside, I got off at a decent hour, so I'm taking Delilah out for our first river adventure of the year! If only she could carry my guitar... :)

So, I bartended a corporate mixer last night and it was HILARIOUS. It was an open bar which for some reason or another makes people feel like they should drink as much as possible, as quickly as possible before someone changes their mind about it. Apparently it was pretty tame though compared to some of the stories I heard about last years party, which involved many smashed glasses and a broken table. HAHA! That's what happens when you coop people up in those tiny cubicles all day I guess.
Quotable moment from last night:
"Excuse me, I see that they're tasting the wine over there, but I don't want to taste it I just want to drink it. Where do I go to do that?" hehe :)

Also, I got offered to play a show with Michael Chapman, who is a pretty famous folk artist from the UK! Very excited about this because I really don't get a chance to play acoustic shows as much as I'd like to and this one is probably going to have a particularly good turn out!